Growing up in the American South, this dish was at every party and usually served as a starter or a lunch treat. It's a great way to add protein and adjust macros if you're looking for a way to adjust the fat in your diet.
Cut eggs in half. Place yolks in a small mixing bowl
Smash yolks with a fork until powdery. Dice 1/2 shallot (about 1 teaspoon) finely.
Add mustard, mayo, salt and pepper and onion to the bowl of egg yolk mixture. Stir and smash with your fork until smooth.
Spoon yolk mixture back into egg white shell. Sprinkle with paprika if you want to get fancy (my grandma always did).
Recipe Note
If you like spice, add some cayenne pepper, Sriracha, curry powder, really whatever flavor combo you love. Deanne Brown has some great tips for flavor combos at page 130 "Deviled Eggs 6 Ways" in her free cookbook, Good and Cheap